If you are a Startup, or established company in the field of Medical Devices or HealthCare/ Lifesciences, you might need a certain platform to chat with other responsible HR- people or HR- deciders, business partners or recruiters to exchange experiences and opinions regarding topics, like:
Compensation & Benefits, Equal Pay, Gender Pay and future Recruitment strategies.
Those are the contents, we already discussed within our network platform PerForMed.
Already in 2007, HiTec founded this community platform, which allows HR – deciders to discuss current topics and to learn from each other. Most participants use those meetings to interact with other HR people, especially regarding compensation & benefits issues or for benchmarking special cases i.e., job-sharing-models, company care centers & bonus-models etc.
To learn more about PerForMed, contact us under:
We would appreciate to welcome you to the next meeting!