25 years of innovative recruitment
25 years of candidate & mindset matching
25 years of being the better HealthCare & Medical Devices recruitment agency for you.

We are focused on recruitments, executive search and active sourcing for the global HealthCare/ Lifesciences Sector, Medical Devices, IT/ Consumer Electronics, and Engineering Industries. We also successfully hired people for HospitalsStartups and leading Financial Institutions.

Welcome to your Recruitment and Candidate Placement Partner for Europe and Germany.

We are Germany’s number 1 direct search provider for the entire Medical Devices sector, especially when dealing with sales, marketing and product management vacancies.

HiTec guarantees success for each Executive Search project that it conducts - retainer based only. Given that our consultants operate right across Europe, we make an excellent choice for Startup- companies looking to expand into Europe.

Our services include: Executive Search, Organizational Consulting, Startups, Assessments, Teamanalysis, Market Research, Coaching and Trainings. Also, we support organizations during M&A transactions to evaluate employees and determine future potential.


Excerpt Wage List

Pharmazeutisch-Technischer Assistent **
Top Salary: 58.000 €
Starting Salary: 32.500 €
Professional: 50.000 €

Excerpt Wage List

Senior Consultant Hardware
Top Salary: 100.000 €
Starting Salary: 50.000 €
Professional: 85.000 €

Excerpt Wage List

Grafikdesigner **
Top Salary: 56.000 €
Starting Salary: 26.400 €
Professional: 34.000 €
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HiTec Job App

Die 10 neuesten Karriereoptionen und Jobperspektiven in der Medizintechnik, Consumer Electronics & IT mobil auf Ihr Handy.

Eine Auswahl HiTecs gelisteter Top-10 Executive-Search Mandate NUR FÜR UNSERE KUNDEN UND BEWERBER - diskret, unkompliziert und gratis.

Excerpt Wage List

Inbetriebnehmer Maschinenanlagenbau
Top Salary: 80.000 €
Starting Salary: 50.000 €
Professional: 65.000 €

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Mithilfe dieser einmaligen Informationsquelle möchten wir Ihnen eine allgemeine Orientierungshilfe anbieten, Ihre Vergütung zu verifizieren.

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